About me

My name July and I live a very active lifestyle, I run, hike jog whatever I can do to get outdoors. But in recent years I had a huge pain in my hips when exercising. I tried so many things to help but then I discovered CBD oil. Now I can hike, run jog and even ride horses pain free!! It also reduces stress and it also helped a lot with my anxiety

The many positive uses of the CBD have quickly engendered worldwide enthusiasm from both the general public and the medical community. CBD is one of the 100 natural compounds of cannabis also known as the cannabinoid. Many people know about THC or tetrahydrocannabinol – the one that makes you hover, although for some people it can cause feelings of paranoia and anxiety. 

CBD is considered non-psychoactive and more and more studies are demonstrating its anti-inflammatory, antiepileptic and neuroprotective qualities. In a study conducted by Neuropsychopharmacology (1) in 2011, 24 individuals diagnosed with SAD were prescribed either CBD or placebo. They were then asked to give a speech to an audience. As indicated by the test “pre-treatment with CBD significantly reduced anxiety, discomfort and cognitive impairment during speech as well as the stress of anticipation. The placebo group had greater anxiety, embarrassment and cognitive impairment, as well as anticipation stress. “

Another test conducted by the Journal of Psychoparmacology (2) used neuronal imaging on 10 individuals with social anxiety and who had taken CBD, to find out which parts of their brain were influenced. The administration of CBD “was associated with a significant decrease in the subject’s anxiety and by the neural imaging they could see through the impact of CBD on the limbic and paralimbic action of the regions of the mind.” The limbic system is in charge of the emotional life and the formation of memories.

General tests have shown that CBD oil impacts serotonin levels in the body. Serotonin is self-regulating, but it can sometimes be diminished because of physical and environmental variables. In these cases, it can lead to a destruction of psychological well-being. CBD can therefore help people with depression or anxiety.

CBD oil can also help by causing a serene rest. One of the side effects of anxiety and depression is a sleep disorder. Insomnia can worsen the effects of anxiety and depression. They work together and empty the person of his psychological well-being, and the person cannot do much more than change his treatment. For a sleep disorder, studies have shown (3) that CBD can help a lot and that THC can degrade the quality of sleep. Therefore people who suffer from anxiety and depression can kill two birds with one stone.

Anxiety and depression are hard to live with every day but it is possible to get rid of it with the right treatment. Nowadays, many countries have legalized and approved CBD as a treatment for anxiety and depression, as it can save lives and prevent people from living in fear, panic, stress and other negative emotions. .